Category:Metalurgy -> Metalurgy -> Metals producing industry-services
Country: Poland
Region: Greater Poland
City: Poniec |
Street: Szkolna 2-B
Phone: +48 65 5731595
Fax: +48 65 5731595 |
Firm Rank: |
 Ladies and Gentlemen,
Our company profile allows us to cooperate with almost any company involved in any way with metal, silver and gold. Our market share extends from antiques to modernity in production, services, renovation and trade.
We cooperate with corporations, museums and small production-service companies. We make for them in single, short and repeatable series different products, parts, renovations, replicas and services and some of them we present in our website. In the relevant[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Lublin
City: Lublin |
Street: Energetyków 14
Phone: +48 81 7445779
Fax: +48 81 7490051 |
Firm Rank: |
 Its two owners, Jan Kidaj and Mieczysław Daniel, as well as part of the staff, launched the production of registration plates at a small factory in Lublin using their own financial resources.
Thanks to a production method previously unknown in Poland, the product soon gained recognition and was in greater and greater demand. The corporation gradually expanded, devoting its profits from the sales of readymade products to investments to help expand production.
Since 1991 the Corporation has[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Sub-Carpathia
City: Stalowa Wola |
Street: Kwiatkowskiego 1
Phone: +48 15 8135541
Fax: +48 15 8137133 |
Firm Rank: |
 Huta Stalowa Wola S.A. is the leading manufacturer of construction and military equipment which also exports and sells the goods and services of Huta Stalowa Wola Industrial Group.
Construction equipment: wheel loaders, crawler dozers, pipelayers and backhoe-loader.
For home market our company offers a wide range of spare parts and services for the construction machines produced by HSW S.A. and HSW-Trading Ltd.
Huta Stalowa Wola S.A. provides cooperation services based on supplied and[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Mazovia
City: Brwinów |
Street: Boczna 6
Phone: +48 22 7295742
Fax: +48 22 7295742 |
Firm Rank: |
 GWINT-MET specjalizuje się w obróbce matalu. Główna oferta to: gwintowanie, tokarstwo, tłocznictwo, a także spawanie i ślusarstwo.
Firma jest producentem elementów złącznych takich jak: pręty gwintowane, haki budowlane, zaciski, cybanty, kotwy, śruby fundamentowe, zamocowania, i inne.
GWINT-MET produkuje elementy złączne także według rysunków i wzorów.
Firma posiada Aprobatę Techniczną COBR "METALPLAST" - na wykonane wyroby wystawiamy deklaracje zgodności.[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Pomerania
City: Malbork |
Street: Al. Wojska Polskiego 48
Phone: +48 55 2735278
Fax: +48 55 2735278 |
Firm Rank: 0 |
Waterjet cutting.
Our attributes:
- new machine,
- surface area 4000x2000 mm,
- accuracy 0.1 mm,
- no heat input, so there is no burning or heat-affected zone,
- thickness of cutting to 200 mm,
Since TECHJET is the Polish distributor of DARDI INTERNATIONAL water cutting machines, it has put the greatest impact on the European machinery market .
In our offer we possess various machines and equipment, all of the highest quality. Basic parts and replacements are made in factories of[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Pomerania
City: Gdańsk |
Street: Cienista 14
Phone: +48 58 3034539
Fax: +48 58 3225010 |
Firm Rank: 0 |
P.T.R. BALTIC ENGINEERING Sp. z o.o. swoją działalność usługową rozpoczęło w październiku 1992 roku. W pierwszej fazie rozwoju Spółki wykonywane były regeneracje części maszyn i urządzeń przy pomocy środków chemoutwardzalnych Chester Molecular. Wymogiem chwili było szybkie uzupełnienie gamy stosowanych technologii o metody spawalnicze wykonywane na bazie sprzętu i produktów firmy Castolin - co znacznie rozszerzyło zakres oferowanych usług.
Wychodząc naprzeciw oczekiwaniom[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Western Pomerania
City: Szczecin |
Street: Pawła Jasienicy 4/3
Phone: +48 91 4240652
Fax: +48 91 4240653 |
Firm Rank: 0 |
NDT - Non destructive testing.[...]